Location for the breakfast: Liberty Park-- we will meet in the park on the SW corner of 700 East and 900 South where the covered picnic tables and the children's playground is located. Parking near the play area can be accessed by entering Liberty Park from the 1300 South entrance of the park, turning right and following that road. In case of inclement weather, we will meet at the meeting house on the SW corner of 700 South 500 East.
Location for the hermanas' luncheon* will be in the Social Room of Brigham Apts. located at 201 E. South Temple.
Location for the mingles and the fireside will be at the meetinghouse on the SW corner of 700 S and 500 E (same place as the alternate location for the breakfast).
*The hermanas' luncheon is really the only event we need a good ball-park head count. I know many of you have RSVPd on EVITE but there were 3 separate events, and some people replied to one event thinking they had replied for all three events, (I know. It was confusing) I don't feel like we have a good accurate count. So please e-mail hermana Mask maskfamily@gmail.com to let me know that you are coming. THANKS!
Also, if you need babysitters Friday evening, we will have Young Women there. Please e-mail me with number of children so we will know how many YW we need. We will ask each family to pitch in according to number of children.
We're SO excited for this wonderful event. So excited to see you all!!!!!!! It has been very fun to see all those who have joined our facebook group; Barcelona Spain Mission--President Clate W. Mask. If you have not joined PLEASE DO! You will be amazed at all the companions you can reconnect with.
We love you all, whether you are coming or not.
Pte. y Hna Mask
Pte. y Hna Mask